black rose

black rose
satu objek yang sangat gw kagumi

Rabu, 11 Juni 2008

Tips 1 Belajar Windows

1. Menghilangkan Prefetch (ini adalah file log history windows,biasanya memperlambat kinerja windows)

* run “regedit”;
* cari [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM CurrentControlSetControl Session Manager Memory Management PrefetchParameters EnablePrefetcher];
* ubah nilainya menjadi 0 (disable)
* reboot

2. Menghilangkan Recent Document

* run “gpedit.msc”
* klik Administrative Templates di bawah User Configuration
* klik Start Menu and taksbar
* klik Do not keep history of recenly opened documents
* pilih enabled

3. Membersihkan Recent Document

* run “gpedit.msc”
* klik Administrative Templates di bawah User Configuration
* klik Start Menu and taksbar
* klik Clear history of recenly opened documents on exit
* pilih enabled

4. Memodifikasi “Send To” pada klik kanan

* Explorer -> C:Documents and Settings -> klik folder Administrator (atau sesuai dengan username kamu)
* Tools -> Folder Option -> View -> Show hidden File and Folder (untuk menampilkan file yang tersembunyi)
* Klik folder ‘Send To’
* modifikasi (hapus atau buat shortcut baru) yang mau kamu tampilkan pada klik kanan ‘Send To’, bila kamu menghapus semua shortcut maka yang ditampilkan pada klik kanan ‘Send To’ hanyalah removable device semisal flashdisk

5. Mengembalikan ‘Show hidden File and Folder’ jika hilang atau terkena virus

* copy paste script di bawah pada Notepad lalu simpan dengan ekstensi .reg , misal hidden.reg
double klik file hidden.reg

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion ExplorerAdvancedFolderHidden]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion ExplorerAdvancedFolderHiddenNOHIDDEN]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion ExplorerAdvancedFolderHiddenSHOWALL]

6. Membuat Shorcut tanpa nama

* klik kanan shorcut
* rename
* tahan Alt+255 (ini adalah kode Ascii untuk ‘Space’, kalo tidak salah)

7. Menghilangkan Recycle Bin dari dekstop icon

* run “gpedit.msc”
* klik Administrative Templates di bawah User Configuration
* klik Dekstop
* klik Remove Recycle Bin Icon from dekstop
* pilih enabled

8. Memperbaiki Registry Windows :

* run “cmd”
* ketik “scanreg/restore”

9. Menghilangkan Run Dari start menu

* run “gpedit.msc”
* klik Administrative Templates di bawah User Configuration
* klik Start Menu and taksbar
* klik Remove Run from Start menu
* pilih enabled

10. Membuat background image pada drive atau flashdisk

* dari explorer pilih “Tools”
* pilih ‘Show hidden file’ dan uncheck ‘hide protected operating system file’
* OK

- misal, klik pada drive D: buat file dekstop.ini
- isi dengan beberapa baris di bawah ini :




- save
- kembalikan ’show hidden file’ & ‘hide protected OS file’ ke kondisi semula (opsional)
- untuk flashdisk,copy paste file dekstop.ini beserta image yang ingin ditampilkan ke flasdisk kamu

Ket :

IconArea_Image=image.jpg -> mengarah pada nama file image kamu (nama harus sama,gunakan path jika image berbeda folder)
IconArea_Text=0×0000FF -> mengarah pada warna tulisan untuk foldermu (format blue-green-red) jadi,jika warna merah yang seharusnya RGB FF0000 menjadi BGR 0000FF,jika ingin warna hitam maka ganti dengan 0×000000

Modify Windows XP dengan Nlite

Microsoft® Windows™ XP Pro SP2 kemasan CD tidak dapat mengenali chipset Intel® 82801GBM SATA AHCI Controller (Mobile-ICH7M) sehingga pada saat instalasi harddisk SATA dianggap tidak ada.

Melakukan pemutakhiran pustaka (driver) pada sistem operasi versi kemasaan CD.


Pada metode instalasi desktop PC dengan kelengkapan floppy disk drive tidak akan menemui kendala berarti karena pada saat instalasi, pemutakhiran dapat diarahkan ke media floppy disk. Namun pada metode instalasi perangkat `floppyless` semacam notebook keluaran masa kini akan sangat menyulitkan. Untuk metode instalasi ke-2 itulah posting ini saya tulis.


Lakukan instalasi nLite™ versi 1.4.5 beta2, lalu jalankan.

Gambar-1. Welcome screen nLite™

Gambar-2. Pada jendela sumber, klik tombol `Browse`.

Gambar-3. Arahkahan ke drive sumber di mana master OS berada, contoh `E:`

Gambar-4. Arahkan ke folder penampung hasil modifikasi. Jika perlu ciptakan folder baru, contoh `nLite XP`.

Gambar-5. Hasil proses duplikasi OS dari drive sumber ke folder penampung yang berisikan informasi lengkap mengenai OS yang akan dimodifikasi.

Gambar-6. Jendela preset, berguna untuk mengelola sesi modifikasi yang pernah dilakukan. Lewati saja jika ini sesi baru.

Gambar-7. Jendela seleksi task. Aktifkan tombol `Drivers` pada klasifikasi `Integrate` dan tombol `Bootable ISO` pada klasifikasi `Create`.

Gambar-8. Jendela integrasi drivers. Klik `Insert` lantas pilih `Multiple driver folder`.

Gambar-9. Arahkan ke folder di mana berkas pemutakhir chipset Intel® 82801GBM SATA AHCI Controller (Mobile-ICH7M) telah diunduh dan dimekarkan sebelumnya, contoh folder `ICH5R_SATA` yang kebetulan saya letakkan di desktop.

Gambar-10. Jika berkas pemutakhir valid, akan tampil jendela ini. Klik tombol `All`.

Gambar-11. Jendela opsi integrasi. Pastikan mode-nya `Textmode driver`. Jika perlu, pilihlah semua (Ctrl-A) tipe pada kolom `Texmode integration options`. Namun jika dikehendaki lain, pilihlah sesuai keperluan.

Gambar-12. Jendela driver list yang berisikan daftar pemutakhir yang akan diintegrasikan.

Gambar-13. Verifikasi integrasi. Klik tombol `Yes` untuk memulai proses integrasi atau tombol `No` untuk melakukan perbaikan pada setting sebelumnya.

Gambar-14. Jendela informasi integrasi yang telah diproses. Klik tombol `Next`.

Gambar-15. Jendela opsi bootable ISO. Suntinglah sesuai keinginan. Pada langkah ini hasilnya bisa langsung diletakkan ke CD atau dibuat menjadi berkas ISO terlebih dahulu. Saran saya, buatlah menjadi berkas ISO. Klik tombol `Make ISO`.

Gambar-16. Arahkan berkas ISO tersebut ke folder di mana berkas ISO tersebut akan disimpan.

Gambar-17. Jendela proses pembuatan berkas ISO. Tunggu saja…

Gambar-18. Jendela selesai. Silakan baca note yang ada di situ.

Tahapan integrasi telah selesai dikerjakan. Selanjutnya berkas ISO baru tersebut bisa dieksplorasi lebih lanjut atau langsung dibakar menggunakan pembakar favorit.

Untuk keperluan lain, semisal membuat unattended OS installation atau melakukan setelan khusus sesuai selera, tools nLite™ ini dapat melakukannya dengan antar muka yang cukup mudah dimengerti. Cobalah jelajahi setelan-setelan yang lain pada jendela seleksi task (gambar-7).

Sedikit saran, pergunakanlah virtual drive atau image drive tools sesuai selera agar proses modifikasi berlangsung cepat dan dapat mengurangi risiko gagal baca —terutama jika sumbernya dari CD— pada saat duplikasi.

Selamat mencoba…

Selasa, 10 Juni 2008

Google Earth Pro-Gold Edition 2008

Google Earth is a virtual globe program that lets you surf through our entire planet. You can zoom and search for your town and much more things such as school, churches etc! Google Earth Pro (Gold) is the upgraded version, it has alot of more features such as movie making or advanced printing and much more... Worth 400 $

Google Earth Pro combines the power of Google Search with satellite imagery, maps, terrain and 3D buildings to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips.

* Fly to your house. Just type in an address, press Search, and your17;ll zoom right in.
* Search for schools, parks, restaurants, and hotels. Get driving directions.
* Tilt and rotate the view to see 3D terrain and buildings, or look up to explore the sky
* Save and share your searches and favorites.

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4.

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 provides users with the tools, resources and confidence to tackle a wide variety of projects - from logos and Web graphics, to multipage brochures, to high impact signage and digital displays. New text and page layout enhancements, market-leading file format compatibility, and an expanded collection of high-quality content make this powerful suite the ultimate design partner, helping users turn inspiration into stunning results.
A comprehensive suite of intuitive page-layout, illustration, photo-editing, and bitmap-to-vector tracing applications, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite is the trusted choice of millions of professional and aspiring designers worldwide. The latest version of the suite includes new tools designed to fuel the creative process, simplify project management, and optimize the graphic design workflow.
“As we developed the newest version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, we consulted with users from a wide variety of industries. We sat with them to observe how they worked, gathering their feedback on how we could create an even better user experience,” said Gerard Metrailler, Director, Product Management, Graphics at Corel. “The end result is CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 - a suite that provides users with easy-to-use tools that deliver outstanding results, while also having a dramatic and positive impact on their day to day productivity.”
Delivering a Superior User Experience Through Improved Usability, Enhanced Interactivity, and Streamlined Workflow
Download 1 File

Download Part I
Download Part II
Download Part III

Anti-Trojan Elite 4.0.4

Anti Trojan Elite(ATE) is a malware remover, it can detect and clean malware in disk or memory.

Anti Trojan Elite provide a real-time malware firewall for user, once a trojan or keylogger would been loaded, the ATE can detect, block and then clean it in time. The ATE can detect more than 35000 trojans, worms and keyloggers currently, and the number of malware ATE could clean is growing up very quickly, we collect world-wide malwares, user can using our auto live update feature to get the power to clean these new malwares in time

UEFA Euro 2008 1.0

UEFA Euro 2008 1.0 | 1.6 MB
It's a simple application for managing the UEFA Euro 2008 Austria-Switzerland championship. With this program you can view the match schedule, begining time for your time zone, save the final score, show both groups and second stage table, build and export simple statistics and, optionally, you can also update the results on-line.
Here are some key features of "UEFA Euro":
· "Copy" function to every section of the application (you can "Paste" data directly into a spreedsheet or word processor).
· Ability to export statistics data into text or HTML format.
· Automatic timezone computation (see matches date in your timezone and language).
· Proxy support for both timezone and online update (use "Set Proxy..." command to set your proxy address and port).
· Available in English and Italian langufages.

Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker V.3.22

Why let the artists have all the fun? Create your own CD/DVD labels and CD jewel cases with the ultimate in ease and flexibility! If you're sick of guessing which songs are on which CD, get the CD label software that automatically puts your track list on your CD/DVD label! Chock full of custom art for holidays and special occasions like Christmas, Valentines, birthdays, vacations, weddings and more! Automatically imports your track information from Acoustica MP3 CD Burner, iTunes, WinAmp, Easy CD Creator or any other popular playlist or previously burnt CD! Print on standard paper, stock sticker labels, CD jewel case templates or print directly on a CD or DVD*!

GIF Creator v5.51

EximiousSoft GIF Creator is a kind of powerful,rapid and visual GIF design tool. With dozens of Special good effects,it can help you make out amazing animations or banners within short time.
EximiousSoft GIF Creator provides many professional image-editing tools including seletion tools such as Magic wand tool and Lasso tool as well as many geometric shapes selection tools.
Once you have made a selection on an animation, you can directly edit on this area without any effects to others. Moreover, you can also copy, move or delete this area according to your needs.
EximiousSoft Gif Creator has strong support to vector graphics. You can use it drawing out excellent smooth straight line, rounded rectangle, ellipse and other geometric shapes.,

Recover My Files v3.9.8.5992

- Recover deleted email;
- Recover deleted documents;
- Recover deleted archives;
- Digital Photo recovery;
- Recover deleted music and video.

Tested and working 100%

Ultimate Defrag 1.72

UltimateDefrag is the world's most powerful defragger in terms of the file placement flexibility it gives you for defragging and strategically placing files on your hard drive - right down to the individual file level. With The Defragger And File Placement Optimizer That Lets You Defrag & Optimize Your Hard Drive - Any Way You Want To!

Adobe PageMaker v7.01

Portable Adobe PageMaker 7.01 is the ideal page layout program for business, education, and small- and home-office professionals who want to create high-quality publications such as brochures and newsletters.

Get started quickly with templates, graphics, and intuitive design tools; work productively across Adobe applications; and easily leverage existing content to create customized communications.

Jetaudio 7.05 PLUS VX

jEtaudio : PLUS or BASIC ??

thERE r sum specific difference betwEEn jEtaUdio BASIC Nd PLUS version. PLUS version provides u more power 2 tHE wOrLD of muLtimEdIa. wHilE BASIC gives u only the BASIC features(thAt'S wHY it's named BASIC Very Happy ). viEW the difference......Nd u choose uR thinG.
Password :

Your Uninstaller 2008 PRO (Plus Keygen)

Your Uninstaller! uninstaller software is the industry's leading uninstaller software. It's the world's 1st smart Drag&Uninstall� uninstaller software under the Windows platform, works on all windows versions including windows Vista/XP/2000/ME/98/95/2003. It's as easy as using the recycle bin. Imagine! Just a drag-drop and the program you don't want will disappear from your computer-- as well as everything the unwanted program brings! Your Uninstaller! is a user-friendly way of removing unneeded applications on your computer. It can even remove some annoying spywares!

Your Uninstaller! uses it's unique technique: SmartUninstall�. SmartUninstall� has a database containing information about all installers on the market; so when it uninstalls a program, it automatically detects which installer the application used, then it simply uninstalls the application properly. That's the reason Your Uninstaller! can detect and completely remove all the programs and icons on your computer.

Sounds complex? It's not! All the steps used by Your Uninstaller! are done with simple clicks. You won't even notice the analysis process.
Password :

Enjoy !! Grin

YoutubeGet v4.5

YoutubeGet is an all-in-one software designed to make quick and easy work to download Youtube videos and convert them. Offering a multitude of methods to acquire the video, this application has all the power you need while still remaining small and easy to use. After downloading videos it will auto convert FLV files to MP4, 3GP, AVI, WMV, MOV etc. Soon, you can see youtube videos on your MP4 or Cell phone.

Internet Download Manager 5.12 Build 11 Retail

Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process.

Internet Download Manager reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve better acceleration performance.

Internet Download Manager supports proxy servers, ftp and http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing. IDM integrates seamlessly into Micro$oft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular browsers to automatically handle your downloads.


CCleaner 2.08.588

CCleaner is a freeware PC optimization tool.
It combines a system cleaner that removes unused and temporary files from your system and also a fully featured registry cleaner!
CCleaner allows Windows to run faster, more efficiently and gives you more hard disk space.
The best part is that it's Small, Fast and Free!
Portable CCleaner

Folder Lock 5.9.0 Full

Folder Lock bisanya digunakan untuk mengunci folder privasi anda.
Folder Lock is a fast file-security program that can password-protect, lock, hide and encrypt any number of files, folders, drives, pictures and documents in seconds. Protected files are hidden, undeletable, inaccessible and highly secure. It hides files from kids, friends and co-workers, safeguards them from viruses, trojans, worms and spyware, and even protects them from networked PCs, cable users and hackers. Files can also be protected on USB Flash Drives, Memory Sticks, CD-RW, floppies and notebooks. Protection works even if files are taken from one PC to another on a removable disk, without the need to install any software. It locks files in Windows, DOS and even Safe Modes. Additional Options include Stealth Mode, Hacker Attempt Monitoring, Shred files, AutoLock, Auto Shutdown PC, Lock your PC, Erase PC tracks, 256-bit Blowfish Encryption and Context Menu in Explorer. It is Windows Vista/2003/XP/2000/NT/Me/98/98S compatible and works on all kinds of disk types like FAT16, FAT32, NTFS. Folder Lock is the most downloaded file-security program in the market today.

Alcohol 120% v1.9.7 + Crack

Alcohol 120% by Alcohol Soft is one of the most powerful game copy
products available. With flexibility to serve needs for beginners and
advanced users and incredible help support, Alcohol 120% is a wise
choice for your game copy needs.
Alcohol 120% biasanya digunakan untuk virtual cd, untuk bermain game yang menggunakan cd, ataupun mengcopy cd yang terprotect.

Real Player Gold Plus 11

Real Player plays all major media formats including RealVideo,RealAudio, Windows Media and Quicktime. This makes it easier for end users to decide on the media they want to access, not the format or software. We take universality a step further by providing RealPlayers for Windows, Macintosh, Linux, Unix, mobile phones, portable devices, set top boxes, DVD players and gaming consoles.


Password :

LimeWire Pro 4.18.2

Sebuah Sofware buat sharing file secara per to per
LimeWire - The Fastest P2P File Sharing Program on the Planet, running on the Gnutella Network. It is open standard software running on an open protocol, free for the public to use. LimeWire allows you to share any file such as.mp3s, .avis, jpgs, tiffs, etc., allows you to search for multiple files at the same time, available in several different languages, and is most famous for its ease-of-use and cross-platform compatibility. Limewire is written in Java, and will run on Windows, Macintosh, Linux, Solaris, and other computing platforms.


Nero Mobile – Media Center for Mobile Devices (Included in the Retail version of Nero 8 only)
• Nero Home 3 – Media Management System
• Nero Scout – Database Technology
• Nero StartSmart 8 – One-Click Project Launcher
• Nero Burning ROM 8 – Expert CD and DVD Burning
• Nero Express 8 – Easy Interface CD and DVD Burning
• Nero WaveEditor 4 – Audio Editing and Recording
• Nero SoundTrax 3 – Professional Audio Mixing
• Nero Vision 5 – Video Editing and Authoring
• Nero Recode 2 – The World’s Fastest Video Converter
• Nero ShowTime 4 – DVD and Multimedia Player
• Nero MediaHome 3 – UPnPTM Streaming Solution
• Nero ControlCenter – Simplified Customization and Configuration
• Nero PhotoSnap – Photo Editing
• Nero PhotoSnap Viewer – Photo Viewing
• Nero CoverDesigner 3 – CD and DVD Label Design
• Nero BackItUp 3 – Complete Backup Solution
• Nero ImageDrive 3 – Virtual Drive Setup
• Nero DiscSpeed 4 – Improve Optical Drive Performance
• Nero DriveSpeed 3 – Complete Optical Drive Control
• Nero RescueAgent – Improved File Recovery
• Nero BurnRights – Easily Deployable Burning Rights
• Nero InfoTool 5 – Drive and Disc Analysis
• InCD 5 – Packet Writing Solution
• SecurDisc Viewer – View SecurDisc protected files

Password :

Microsoft Office Project 2007

Microsoft Office Project 2007

Microsoft Office Project 2007 allows you to use the robust project management tools that blend
usability and flexibility to manage projects more effectively. The interactive Project Guide in
Project Standard 2007 gives you step-by-step instructions for quickly mastering project management
fundamentals. You can also save valuable time by converting existing task lists in Microsoft Office
Excel and Microsoft Office Outlook into project plans. And you can generate templates for Microsoft
Office Visio Professional 2007 diagrams and Excel 2003, or higher, charts easily based on
Project 2007 data, or choose from a list of customizable, ready-to-use report templates.

size of both files combined 174mb

WINRAR 3.80 Beta

Jika kamu butuh software compress data maka winrar dapat membantu anda

Kamis, 05 Juni 2008

File exe terinfeksi virus bisakah diselamatkan?????

Bagi yang pernah / sering menggunakan anti-virus, pasti tidak asing lagi dengan istilah-istilah seperti heal, quarantine, move to virus vault, dan sebagainya. Ketika kita sedang scan file/folder, kemudian ditemukan virus/file yang terinfeksi, biasanya akan muncul konfirmasi file tersebut mau diapakan, atau juga mungkin secara otomatis file tersebut akan dihapus atau masuk karantina, tergantung jenis anti-virus dan pengaturannya.

Bagi kebanyakan orang mungkin ketika terdeteksi sebagai virus akan langsung memilih hapus untuk keamanan. Jika data-data yang terkena virus tidak begitu penting, mungkin tidak menjadi masalah. Tetapi jika merupakan data penting, maka sebaiknya atur agar jangan langsung dihapus, bisa di move to quarantine atau move to virus vault, sesuai dengan anti virus yang digunakan. Apakah data masih bisa diselamatkan? Bisa Iya bisa Tidak.

ika file atau data kita terinfeksi oleh virus lama, kemungkinan masih bisa diselamatkan. Bagaimana langkah-langkahnya ?

  1. Sebelumnya, jika data kita cukup penting dan terdeteksi sebagai virus jangan dihapus, tetapi pilih move to vault atau masukkan ke karantina ( move to quarantine ), agar nantinya bisa di buka lagi. Jika antivirus langsung menghapus, atur kembali di bagian setting-nya.
  2. Catat nama/jenis virus yang terdeteki menginfeksi file. Biasanya antivirus mengetahui virus yang menginfeksi. Perlu diingat bahwa setiap anti virus sering memberikan nama tersendiri dengan virus yang ditemukannya. Jadi satu virus bisa memiliki nama hampir sebanyak anti virus yang ada.
  3. Cari informasi tentang nama virus di Internet, gunakan google. Atau bisa juga ketika kita online menggunakan fasilitas informasi bawaan anti virus yang ada, sehingga lebih akurat.
  4. Temukan karakteristik virus tersebut dan cara mengatasinya.

Virus List

Keterangan mengenai daftar nama virus dan sifat-sifatnya bisa didapatkan di beberapa vendor anti-virus, antara lain :

Virus Removal

Virus Removal merupakan tool atau aplikasi khusus yang dibuat untuk melumpuhkan, memperbaiki atau untuk menangani virus-virus tertentu. Biasanya para pembuat anti-virus juga membuat berbagai virus removal untuk tipe-tipe virus tertentu. Hampir semua virus removal ini dapat di download secara gratis. Berikut daftar alamat bebrapa anti-virus yang menyediakan removal :

Perlu diingat bahwa tidak semua tools diatas berfungsi untuk menyelamatkan data yang terinfeksi, sebagian merupakan tools untuk mendeteksi dan menghapus virus tertentu. Karena mungkin memang data yang terinfeksi tidak bisa dikembalikan lagi. Pastikan selalu membaca keterangan yang disertakan.

Minggu, 01 Juni 2008


Iron Maiden adalah kelompok musik heavy metal yang didirikan pada 1975 di London, Britania Raya oleh pemain bas Steve Harris. Mereka telah meraih kesuksesan dan mempengaruhi banyak kelompok musik lainnya. Mereka juga dianggap sebagai salah satu band dalam New Wave of British Heavy Metal.
